The more you donate, the less likely it will be accepted?
How hard is it to donate £5 million to charity? We are now four weeks into the new project and the operational side is starting to come together. We have some technical support, some celebrity support, some media support, but the most difficult people to persuade are the charities that will ultimately benefit.You see, in order to raise the £5 million (yes, it’s increased again) we are staging a large international event that will cost around £200k in overheads. So that we can donate every penny of every donation to the five charities, we need corporate sponsorship to cover those running costs. That’s the problem. Every charity has a list of companies they won’t work with, because they are ethically apposed to them. So a list of blacklisted companies x 5 is quite a big list. Until we can persuade each charity that an objectionable businesses is not connected with the project they will not endorse us.
This was not on my list of potential problems when I started on this journey, but hey, live and learn.