Friday, January 06, 2006

and so we begin...

Why on earth am I setting up a blog page? I have a restaurant business to run, an online business that I need to keep afloat PLUS a six week old baby and wife to take care of!

This is a serious question. Am I being selfish, vain, insane? Well, for some time now I’ve been reading a US blog that has inspired me both inside and outside my professional life. This blog is written by company CEO who has just sold his business for $25 million, and it is an absolute inspiration. Take a look for yourself. Now, his industry is quite different to mine, and so I set about looking for a UK based blogger who might talk about things closer to home – namely the food business, internet businesses as well as general life stuff.

I drew a blank.

So I thought why not. Maybe I will help someone. I’ve always wanted to help people to make the leap into business, but always thought I was too young and inexperienced to be of value. Perhaps by documenting my trial-and-error approach to learning and development I might help other to avoid making my mistakes.

Making this information available to the world at large is a pretty sobering prospect. Yes, my competition can read about my exploits but that doesn’t really bother me. I'm better than them, period.

On to my blog mission / manifesto.

1) For a period of 12 months I intend to post my daily activities and thoughts. I am hoping to post at least 2 or 3 days per week. If I make 12 months, then I might never stop!

2) My posts will be honest. They will reflect my life as it is lived. I will not embellish or conceal.

3) Sometimes I get pissed off, I judge people and things, and act irrationally. This is just my opinion – and I might be WRONG!


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