Monday, September 04, 2006

The ups and downs of website traffic

Time for a review of how the The One Million Masterpiece has been performing traffic wise.

After the initial boom created around launch, primarily off the back of the BBC online coverage, there was a steady decline. Of course there was - because this is a totally new website with very few supporting links. At that time (we're talking the end of July) we had around 10 inbound links, which any SEO pundit will tell you is low. However, these links were all from the big boys (BBC, The Times etc) so Google responded by giving us a generous PR4 within a few days. Nice.

So traffic from these sites has slowly declined, but as that has happened we've been gaining more and more inbound links. As of today the number stands at 782, which is pretty good going. The vast majority of these have been project members posting messages about the website all over the place, and this has had the effect of generating a really stable upward traffic trend.

Within the past few days traffic has ramped up yet again. It looks like this has been caused by links at Blueyonder and Wikipedia, plus a posting at which obviously receives far more traffic than I would have assumed.

We're still looking for a break-through on the really big sites, but I'm confident that we're on the right track. People keep asking me whether I'm worried that we wont reach the one million target, but at the moment I'm pretty relaxed. We've got a Schools Programme coming out in January that will make the project accessible to 250,000 kids, plus a range of new features that have only just been implemented which will make viral and word-of-mouth marketing much more powerful.

So we're still plugging away. Loads of things to do as usual, and just not enough time in the day!


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