Friday, January 06, 2006

left brain | right brain

Being a Psychology graduate I’ve always been in what psychological traits make up the a-typical entrepreneur.

Now I know that it takes all kinds of people to fulfil all kinds of roles, and that entrepreneurialism can take many guises, but what I’m interested in is the person who risks everything in pursuit of a dream – and actually makes it happen. I don’t consider board room type suits to be entrepreneurs in any sense of the word. To me an entrepreneur is someone creative, someone with vision, someone who can deliver, and someone that doesn’t let anything get in the way.

So many people have asked me what kind of salary I earn from my businesses. My reply is “what salary?”. I take what I need to survive, and the rest grows my business. Anyone who is motivated by a nice healthy pay packet when drawing up a business plan should chuck it in the bin and go work for IBM.

Back to the point. So I was looking at Stephen Davies PR Blog this morning ( reading about the Right Brain Left Brain online checker. What a cool little tool. So I took the test and found that my left brain is severely defective. Here’s my score:

Right Brain 76%
Left Brain 18%

I am right brain dominant. To be honest I knew this already, but this tool confirmed it nicely. The site described me as:

Right brain dominant individuals are more visual and intuitive. They are better at summarizing multiple points, picking up on what's not said, visualizing things, and making things up. They can lack attention to detail, directness, organization, and the ability to explain their ideas verbally, leaving them unable to communicate effectively.

Now many of these skills are great for an entrepreneur, except for the lack of attention and communication bits. It would certainly fit the description of many famous serial entrepreneurs, but I wonder whether it is a more general thing. Are entrepreneurs right brain dreamers?

Who knows? I’m sure there’s some study that’s been done but frankly I'm board already :)


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