Sunday, January 08, 2006

Following Google into the web application age?

I was reading the Jason Calcanis blog entry speculating about Google’s plans for 2006. He makes some pretty convincing arguments for the Google-to-desktop-and-office argument.

While I don’t agree that this will all occur in 2006 (think usability, think capacity, think the Google Analytics problems), what interest me is that Google might well be viewing this as a future business model.

One of my secret projects (now was it x or y?) is an online application that would replace a desktop program. The fact that Google and Microsoft are heading their businesses in this direction excites my entrepreneurial mind because the possibilities of this kind of application are almost limitless (think of the number of specialist software applications that could be deployed through the web). OK, this is old news, but it is the thought of Google making this model work that excites me, because they obviously consider advertising to be a viable source of funding.

There are interesting times ahead, but for now there are more mundane things to occupy my mind. New January promotions are need finalising for the restaurants, and I still have the all-important December sales to calculate and study…


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