Saturday, January 07, 2006 up for sale

It’s only the first week of January but already I’m struggling. There just isn’t enough time in the day for all the things that are currently burning a hole through my head.

Over the Christmas break I decided to sell Despite enjoying the revenue, the financial demands of two restaurants and a baby mean that I need some short term cash. I also need to free up some time for another couple of big projects I am planning.

Project x and y (let’s imaginatively call them) are both web based b2b applications that I just hear the market crying out for. They are really exciting projects, but I need the time to consolidate my plans and set about finding a team to get them off the ground.

So it has to be good-bye to SEOsoftware. I posted the site on Digital Point and SitePoint forums this week, and have been dealing with a barrage of questions ever since. I am hoping that a deal will be struck by the end of next week, and the site will be completely transferred by the end of the month.


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