Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Do I think we will hit the one million mark?

I've had plenty of people asking me how the project is going, and whether I think we can possibly hit the one million. Here are my thoughts on the subject…

Firstly, things are broadly on track. We've had some issues to resolve that any new project would encounter but in general we are doing well. Our projections factor in a slow start, gradual build and huge finish. Here are the estimated end-of-month figures for the next six months:

Sep 06 : 1,340

Oct 06 : 3,709

Nov 06 : 9,033

Dec 06 : 22,006

Jan 07 : 55,641

Feb 07 : 116,170

According to this we are already ahead of ourselves, but of course growth must continue to accelerate if we are to keep up with these numbers. What annoys me is people looking at the figures and just assuming they're impossible. Of course they're nothing more than informed guesswork, but at least I'm putting myself out there every single day trying to achieve them. Instead of criticism, put your energies into helping us out.

I'm someone who thinks in a very flexible way. I’ll change my mind and flex a concept to fit in with new information as it comes along. This is such a large and untested experiment that things might not pan out as expected – but *shock-horror* that is actually OK. It might be that one year isn't enough time, in which case we will extend the timeline. The principle of a unifying global arts project is too important to be constrained by a fairly arbitrary deadline.

Another thing that people might like to know is the events that are planned to boost publicity and numbers. In January we are launching a Schools Programme that will allow children to participate in the project from the classroom. This is a major International sub-project that will allow between 250,000 and 500,000 children to take part. It's requiring a major upgrade to the website platform, and so much of the work taking part at the moment is dedicated to this.

We're also planning a stunning live projection of the developing image for one month in central London early next year. Plans for this are still in an early stage of development but it will further boost the profile of the project.

Alongside these larger elements we are also developing new website features and planning new PR initiatives. For example, we've just opened the project to free registration (currently limited to the first 25,000 members) to help boost numbers and the internet presence of the project.

So let's get back to the original questions. I definitely am please with progress so far, particularly in light of the fact that almost everything so far has been voluntarily donated to us. In addition I'm very confident and excited about what's around the corner. Oh, and yes, I do think we can hit the one million mark.


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